
See our Privacy Policy. Please refrain from adding any patient sensitive information to this form.

Disclaimer: this form is intended for the sole purpose of submitting unsolicited medical information requests (questions regarding product, data or technology). Data in this form will be processed via the US and as such should not contain any sensitive, personal or patient information. Any patient data or report data should not be submitted via this form. Any contact information provided here above will be utilised with the sole purpose of issuing a response to the requestor.

For report-related questions or any other questions on specific results, please select "Customer Support Request" in the dropdown above.

You selected PATIENT: we are unable to advise you on clinical questions. If your query is related to your treatment, please contact your treating physician or your general practitioner/family doctor. For any other questions, please contact our Customer Support Team: europeansupport@exactsciences.com or select "Customer Service Request" in the dropdown at the top of this form.
