Please note that this information is intended for healthcare professionals only.


The Oncotype DX Breast Recurrence Score® test, the latest publication on NPJ:1

Oncotype DX results reduce uncertainty and discordance in adjuvant chemotherapy recommendations for early-stage breast cancer.

An independent study on NPJ led by a group of Italian researchers has recently explored whether the Oncotype DX® test can enhance confidence and agreement among oncologists in adjuvant chemotherapy recommendations for ER+/HER2− early-stage breast cancers. The main aim of the study was to find out what is the impact of Oncotype DX on physicians' treatment decision.

"The most peculiar and novel element of our study is that Oncotype DX, reduces the differences in choice among oncologists, besides its recognized and established role in fine-tuning treatment recommendations, who often give discordant recommendations in the absence of a genomic test."1

How does confidence in treatment decisions change after the Recurrence Score® result?

Figure Therapeutic Recommendation graphic
Overall, 30% of recommendations (142 of 480) were changed by the Recurrence Score results1
The Oncotype DX® test significantly reduces uncertainty related to therapeutic decisions1

How does agreement on adjuvant chemotherapy recommendations among oncologists change after the Recurrence Score result?

Figure Cohens Kappa
a Cohen’s kappa = 1.00 indicates perfect agreement
Overall, the agreement among oncologists is significantly increased after the Recurrence Score results1

The Oncotype DX test reduces discordance in treatment choice among oncologists1
The study concludes that

- the Oncotype DX® test significantly reduces uncertainty related to therapeutic decisions 
- the Oncotype DX® test reduces discordance in treatment choice among oncologists



The only genomic test proven to predict chemotherapy benefit2,3

The Oncotype DX Breast Recurrence Score® test can accurately:

  • Identify patients who may derive benefit from chemotherapy,2,3

  • Determine the chemotherapy benefit,2-4

  • Support treatment decisions for patients with HR+, HER2–, early-stage, invasive breast cancer.2-6

Patient Profile Navigator

for your HR+, HER2- early-stage breast cancer patients

​​Try the new tool to support physicians with clinical evidence for their HR+, HER2- patients. Create your own patient profile selecting patient age, tumour size, tumour grade and Ki-67. It shows the available clinical data to help decide whether to order the Oncotype DX test.
References: 1. Licata et al. npj Breast Cancer. 2023. 2. Paik et al. J Clin Oncol. 2006. 3. Albain et al. Lancet Oncol. 2010. 4. Sparano et al. N Engl J Med. 2018. 5. Geyer et al. npj Breast Cancer. 2018. 6. Kalinsky et al. New Engl J Med. 2021

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